🇮🇩️ ReadMe Bahasa Indonesia
Payback2_CHEATus is a GameGuardian Lua script for Payback 2.
Warning: The developer is now aware of hackers/cheaters and thus constantly patching things.
This project may entering maintenance mode (only some minor changes).
If you can, only use this script in singleplayer or offline mode,
DO NOT use this on multiplayer or online mode!
Thank you for everyone that helps this project going until now.
💻️🤝️📱️ Better compatibility
(Root/VM, CBSS(todo)/Anonymous(todo)/Other, GG/Standard Lua interpreter, even minifier/beautifier/compiler. All that works without problem, compatible with each other, crash rarely happens. UPDATE: devices that primarily use CBSS/Anonymous might not having certain cheats working, though it didn’t make the script crashed).🗜️ Minified version available
(if you really need that tiny size. little note, its not bleeding-edge (very latest to the original script), its rarely updated except major updates…).📈️ Performance experiment
(optional).📈️ Memory restricted search
(only search in certain memory areas (warn that this might not work on phones with different RAM size (mine was 2GB, better optimized for OTHER memory region, not work on Anonymous region because how it works))).📈️ Memory Memoization
(technical feature that significantly accelerates searches on values that won’t change alot).🦠❌ 0-Malware
its because…💰❌ FOSS (Free & Open-source)
the source code is not compiled (or even encrypted/obfuscated) so people can make sure this isn’t malware.still confused about these stuff? see Wiki
This cheat is Open-source on GitHub (unlike any other cheats some cheater bastards not showing at all! they make it beyond proprietary)
Report issues here
My Telegram Group
This cheat is part of FOSS (Free and Open-Source Software)
See How to use Payback2_CHEATus wiki for that
IMPORTANT: there are rules that you MUST follow if you want to share the script
Violating the rules means you’re also Violating GPLv3 License (especially if its related to sharing encrypted/compiled/obfuscated/unreadable copies of Payback2_CHEATus over MediaFire or something related).
Payback2_CHEATus is Free Software: You can use, study, share, and improve it at will. Specifically you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.